Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Deep in thought...

I got an email the other day from a dear friend of mine. She's more like a second mother to me. Her son and I have been friends since 6th grade, and so we are pretty close. Anyway, contained in this email was some information about some friends of mine who have just been married and are planning for a second child. She made the comment that I needed to "find that man and get busy. [I] am falling behind. " That is totally how I feel, but my immediate response was I didn't fall behind...they started too early! Am I falling behind? Of course, I am earning a 4 year degree in 6, and I haven't dated anyone since my second semester in college! Many of my friends have graduated, gotton married, and are having babies. Its hard to be in the in between. People at work are giving me a hard time about still being single...it seems to be haunting me these days. What am I supposed to do? I can't do anything about it. I mean, well I guess I could loose about a million pounds, dye my hair blond, get blue colored contacts, and be someone I am completely not to attract a guy, but what then? There isn't anything there that is going to hold a relationship together! I want a guy to be attracted to me for who I am not what I look like. Basically, as Valentine's Day approaches and I think about spending it by myself, again, I can't help but think about how I am going to deal with this for the rest of my life. All the time I hear that God has intended marriage for most people, and we need to be prepared for marriage, and being a wife, and being a mother! But how in the WORLD do we prepare for life if this is not what God has planned for us? Its easier to deal with it when we are younger, we are still young, there is still time, but what about when we turn 35, 40, 45? What then, and how do we deal with it then when we have been taught and prepared for married life, we know all about married life, and life being 20 and single, but we know nothing about being 45 and single. How do we prepare for this? Is there a place in figuring this out? Just food for thought I guess...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what the heck? You're preparing to be 45 and single??? You're not even past your mid twenties yet, chickadee!! You are nowhere NEAR having to "prepare" for singleness at 45. Also, what's the deal with the blond hair and blue eyed ideal of a woman?!?!? I don't have that!!! Stinker!! Then again, look at my man....dang it, I should get some contacts...;-)just kidding. Hey, I'll see you tonight, I have an idea that I want to run by you.

12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you had a good "me time" day yesterday.

1:44 PM  

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