Saturday, February 11, 2006

Something happened...but what?

So, as many of you know I have been praying about a certain relationship situation, and as I have been praying the more content I have been with settling for God's will and not my own. So as I am thinking about this to myself...

"Hey Dawn!" (God says), what if this is not who I have for you? Will you still be content with my will?

"Well, sure. I mean I will be kinda disappointed, but you know what my future holds and I can only see what's happening now."

"How patient are you willing to be, as I unfold the plan I have for you?"

"Well Lord, you created me, which means you are very well informed of my impatience."

"You really need to work on that."

"I know..." (shamefully)

"But will you be ok with this not being the guy?"

Knowing that no matter what answer I give, God will do what he is going to do, but I know that what God is looking for is "Are you going to be ok with just me."

I think I am on the brink of an answered prayer. I won't put God on a time line, but I said in the beginning that I would see what happens by March, so I'll see...maybe by March God will say yes, no, or wait just a little longer.

Another bump in the road has shown forth it's ugly head, however, it could turn positive. My way of thinking was changed and now I am left to pray about this little bump, and see what its purpose was. It has a purpose, I know it does, but what is it?


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